"My energy is the energy of the universe. My power is mine." -A. Crowley
The 8 of cups arises during periods where you are tired and where there is severe emotional distress. It carries with it an urgent warning to attend to whatever is blocking your energy, and to try to create open channels to get things moving again.
One area that will often be indicated by the appearance of this card is the sort of relationship in which you consistently give too much, and receive very little back in return. Remember, we deserve to receive from others exactly what we are prepared to give to ourselves. So if we give ourselves scant attention, why should anybody else do any more for us? But, on the other hand, if we treat ourselves with love and respect, then we have every right to expect that from those around us.
There is a general sense of dissatisfaction arising from a realization that the things we have fought and struggled to attain may not be as satisfying as we had hoped they would be. It is time to ask yourself what you can do to bring a deeper satisfaction and joy to your life beyond the obvious pursuit of material satisfactions and/or physical enjoyments.
Nothing is permanent in life. Sooner or later, everything slips away...or we slip away from it. The eight of Cups stands for those moments when we realize, once and for all, that the past is gone. What was true is no longer true. Become more aware of the physical, mental or emotional sacrifices that are or will become involved in the present situation. There may exist a cause more worthy of your efforts and sacrifice. You need to heal. Release old patterns, especially those that have dominated thoughts and emotions. Don't be afraid to leave the past behind. There's plenty more in the world to see. Take a break and make a change.
The eight of cups is the decline of efforts made toward the attainment of something desired due to disappointment in the results received thus far. Whether you see it or not, you're being given the opportunity to rise above your habitual or instinctive response patterns and if you make a conscious attempt to do so, they will lose their grip on you.
You're on the true path, so try not to regret the sacrifices of your decision.
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